Repro for

This illustrates the problem with confusing destructuring breakpoints and stepping.

Steps (for array destructuring)

  1. Reload this page with DevTools open
  2. Open crbug-1368444-array-destructuring.js in the Sources panel
  3. Set a breakpoint in line 5 by just clicking on the line number in the breakpoint gutter (observe that the breakpoint is set on the call to foo)
  4. Click and observe that the debugger pauses on line 5 before calling foo
  5. Now press Step Over and observe that the debugger is still paused on line 5, but this time on the a
  6. Now press Step Over again and observe that the debugger is still paused on line 5, but this time on the b

Steps (for object destructuring)

  1. Reload this page with DevTools open
  2. Open crbug-1368444-object-destructuring.js in the Sources panel
  3. Set a breakpoint in line 5 by just clicking on the line number in the breakpoint gutter (observe that the breakpoint is set on the call to foo)
  4. Click and observe that the debugger pauses on line 5 before calling foo
  5. Now press Step Over and observe that the debugger is still paused on line 5, but this time on the a
  6. Now press Step Over again and observe that the debugger is still paused on line 5, but this time on the b