Repro for

This illustrates the reliability issues with the Never pause here functionality in Chrome DevTools, which actually is just a special case of a conditional breakpoint with condition set to false.

Steps (for service worker registration)

This is an example that was brought up in comment 18 of crbug/465666.

  1. Open DevTools and turn on Pause on (uncaught) exceptions in the Sources panel
  2. Open crbug-1401339-sw-install.js in the Sources panel and set Never pause here on line 4 (on the call to subscribe)
  3. Click and observe that the debugger doesn't stop (intended behavior)

Steps (for throwing in ignore-listed code)

  1. Open DevTools and turn on Pause on (uncaught) exceptions in the Sources panel
  2. Add crbug-1401339-ignore-hidden.js to the Ignore List
  3. Open crbug-1401339-ignore.js in the Sources panel and set Never pause here on line 2 (on the call to someLibraryFunction)
  4. Click and observe

Steps (for Set constructor throwing)

  1. Open DevTools and turn on Pause on (uncaught) exceptions in the Sources panel
  2. Open crbug-1401339-set.js in the Sources panel and set Never pause here on line 2 (on the call to the Set constructor)
  3. Click and observe that the debugger doesn't stop

Steps (for Promise reject callback)

  1. Open DevTools and turn on Pause on (uncaught) exceptions in the Sources panel
  2. Open crbug-1401339-reject.js in the Sources panel and set Never pause here on line 4 (on the throw statement)
  3. Click and observe that the debugger doesn't stop (intended behavior)
  4. Now do the same for line 11 (on the call to reject), click , and observe the result